Sunday, January 4, 2009

Gotta love Oklahoma weather

I went to Lows yesterday to get more paint. It was 76 degrees.

When we came home from supper it was 37! I must say I enjoyed the warm more than the cold.

I am cleaning on my studio today. We will pull everything out of my bed room this week so I guess I will set the bed up in the studio until we get the carpet pulled out, floor, walls and cieling painted.

I will take a picture when it is completed. I will be so very happy when all of the carpet is out of this house.

Tomorrow is the big TEST. Cross your fingers for me.


Friday, January 2, 2009

Welcome 2009!

Welcome New Year. I hope this one goes better than last year did. Of course last year on this date I had a full time job.

I head to Tulsa for testing Monday morning for a new job with the State of Oklahoma. Cross your fingers for me. I have not taken a test for YEARS. Hope I remember basic accounting.

The new cat, Carter, is doing better. He lets me pick him up now. Just one short month ago he fled as soon as he saw me coming. He wants to be held and loved so much, he just jumps from one foot to the next purrrrrrrring the whole time.

I will start cleaning the studio again tomorrow............then to start quilting again.

Till tomorrow :o)