Thursday, April 1, 2010

time to grow

This picture was taken last July of my garden. This year I plan to do the inside circle of the trees....I only have 12 trees the back now. I have spent an interesting night researching the hostas I purchased at Sam's yesterday. I have three: zounds, yellow river, wide brim, northern exposure, bressingham blue, and mama mia. I purchased ten Albo-marginata hostas, 4 lady ferns, 3 elephant ears (need more), 3 pink bleeding hearts, and 50 white caladiums. I think this will keep me busy most of tomorrow. It is supposed to rain Friday so I may just get two of the small side garden plants in and save the big round circle for next week. I need to amend the soil before anything is tucked into its new home. I am still kind of leery about having another freeze and I surely do not want to have to cover up a hundred plants! Altho I saw several little heads pinking up from the ground today so ready or not the plants are ready!
I plan on hitting several garage sales and auctions to purchase old plates and such to do some mosaic art on the stepping stones this year. I found a blog were a lady had mosaic garden.....even on a manikin! Sadly I can't locate her blog again. She had such lovely stuff she had in her garden! sniff, sniff. If only I would have saved it instead thinking I would remember it.
Heading off to bed. Have a sunny Thursday!

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