Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Still sick. Hanging out at the hospital with Mom exposed us both to tons of germs. I was so shocked when they put an ill person in her room. I thought I was careful keeping both of us washed. I am just grateful she has not come down with the virus.

Of course since I am ill I can't be with my mom. She does not have a phone in her room yet so I have my daughter call me on her cell while she is there visiting, that way I can sorta keep in touch.

I went into work for 3 hours today. Had time to print off the quilt pattern for the Bush quilt project. Daughter and I went to Joplin Saturday so she could purchase material for a new quilt for mom. We visited a new quilt store I will blog about tomorrow. While in Jo Ann's I was able to purchase a package of 300 basting pins to send to Tia with my blocks. Since I am new to quilting I am not sure how many pins are used on a quilt. Do you think 300 is enough? I was unable to enjoy the trip as I was feeling poorly.

I feel tomorrow will be a much better day so I will be out and about and NO MORE drugs :o)

Keep happy,

1 comment:

suze said...

I hope you (and your Mom) are soon feeling better.