We went shopping tonight. We went to Joann's and of course Hobby Lobby looking for fabric for the quilt along I am doing.
I got a bolt of white Kona with my 40% coupon so I am ready to start on the quilt as soon as my other supplies arrive in the mail.
We hopped over to Red Lobster for supper as Lu was hungry for the all she could eat shrimp special. I of course stuck with chicken strips.
We were headed out of Tulsa towards home when the car made a funny sound and red lights lite up the dash STOP! Something blew all the coolant out of the engine.
Unfortunately the nearest exit was in a part of town I am never in after dark. We called triple A for a tow to the VW place and waited with the car till the tow truck arrived. The driver was just a sweet huge bear of a man.
I heard sirens and told Lu "they" were coming for her since she broke my car. From the opposite direction was more sirens. A police officer pulled up were I was standing and asked "Did you hear shots fired?" (can I just say: GULP!)
I told the officer the tow truck was too loud I could not hear anything over the sound of the motor. Scared the spit right out of me. I am not a fan of being around when someone is shooting a gun, at night, by a busy interstate, in a large city, in a questionable part of town. I just wanted to go home.
While we sat in our broken car at the VW dealership on Memorial we watched several cars racing down the street. I just could not believe how wild the kids were acting and how dangerous they were driving. Finally the police arrived and were chasing cars down.
The city laid off 21 police officers to cut cost and hired 18 back a week or so later. They need to hire another 100 officers to help keep our town safe. We have so many different gangs and wanna be tough guys and gals Tulsa is just not safe any more...........or I am just getting too old for this kinda stuff. :o)
Bless my sweet niece for coming and picking us up and delivering us safely home. I need to go to sleep but my mind is racing and my tummy is upset.
Poor ol'Lu has to be at work at 9 a.m. Pity those that have to work around her :o)
Have a wonderful Sunday.
6 hours ago
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