Thursday, July 16, 2009

Beautiful cool

I purchased the above bougainvillea at Lows for three bucks last month. It was half dead from neglect, hence the cheap price. I just noticed you can see the yellow clearance price tag in the picture. Now it has doubled in size and just blooming away. This is not its usual home as I moved it to the shade to take this photo. The bougainvillea usually hangs off the deck and very happily gets sun all afternoon.

Most of my other flowering plants have stopped blooming and the few that is has small flowers. Even tho they are tiny they are still lovely. The best de stressers for me is the garden and my fur babies.
Wicked is on at the Tulsa PAC. My daughter has wanted to see it forever. Last night I decided to get tickets and surprise her with an evening out at the theater. I went online to get the tickets and was so very totally shocked the seats were $550. per SEAT. The cheap seats way up in the nose bleed section are $65. a seat. I remember paying 350 for season tickets a few years ago. Sadly we will not be going to see Wicked.
Need to get to cleaning house as Nonie will be here from California Saturday. I am so excited to see and visit with her. Sadly my mothers grandson did not have time to come visit before his flight leaves so we do not get to see him and his daughter.

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